Ransomware Summit Solutions Track 2024

Ransomware Summit Solutions Track


It’s 2024. Ransomware is no longer new, the threats and risks are well known, the cases and payouts are public. Even with this ominous threats, why are security teams still caught off guard when their environments fall victim? It’s 2024 - the year we stop waiting for the adversary.

In this 2024 Ransomware Summit, let’s explore all the angles. How ransomware actors find success, where they get in, and why organizations are still paying. Then let’s look at how we can change - for the better. We will examine how technology is a necessity in defending against these threats. From human education and training to advanced, AI-based preventative mechanisms, it’s time to upgrade our security arsenals. It’s time to take a stand and say “not my network, not today.”

Why you should watch the recording - Ransomware is a threat to us all. Threat actors don’t discern between technologies, incomes, sectors, or geographies. In this summit, we’ll look at how ransomware impacts us all, and how we can make a change to better secure our networks.

Watch the recorded webinar

Matt Bromiley - image


Matt Bromiley

Instructor, SANS Institute

Matt Bromiley is a SANS digital forensics and incident response (IR) instructor, teaching FOR508 Advanced Incident Response, Threat Hunting, and Digital Forensics and SANS FOR572 Advanced Network Forensics: Threat Hunting, Analysis, and Incident Response. He is also an IR consultant at a global IR and forensic analysis company, combining experience in digital forensics, log analytics, and incident response and management.

James Pope - image


James Pope

Director of Technical Marketing Engineering, Corelight

James Pope is an infosec junkie who has hunted in universities, governments, infosec cons, and orgs up to the largest of large. James is passionate about teaching and sharing knowledge that helps orgs improve their security posture.


Corelight provides security teams with network evidence so they can protect the world's most critical organizations and companies.