
SOC Visibility Triad: R.I.P. or Rebirth?



Anton Chuvakin - image

Anton Chuvakin

Security Strategy, Chronicle

Jean Schaffer - image

Jean Schaffer

Federal Chief Technology Officer, Corelight

Greg Bell - image

Greg Bell

Co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer, Corelight

Watch the recorded webinar

The SOC Visibility Triad was defined by Dr. Anton Chuvakin at Gartner almost 10 years ago when the cloud was in its early stages. As the shift to highly dynamic, multicloud environments became mainstream over the last few years, some have argued that the “Triad” should be put to rest since it no longer can ensure the visibility needed to maintain effective security across these modern architectures.

Watch the recorded webinar for an engaging discussion as we revisit the SOC Visibility Triad with Dr. Chuvakin, now at Google Cloud, Corelight Federal CTO, Jean Schaffer, and Greg Bell, Corelight Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer. 

Anton Chuvakin - image


Anton Chuvakin

Security Strategy, Chronicle

Dr. Anton Chuvakin is now involved with security solution strategy at Google Cloud, where he arrived via Chronicle Security (an Alphabet company) acquisition in July 2019. Anton was, until recently, a Research Vice President and Distinguished Analyst at Gartner for Technical Professionals (GTP) Security and Risk Management Strategies team. Anton is a recognized security expert in the field of log management, SIEM and PCI DSS compliance.

Greg Bell - image


Greg Bell

Co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer, Corelight

Gregory Bell is the Co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer of Corelight, and previously served leadership roles at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, including as Director of the Scientific Networking Division, Director of the US Department of Energy's high performance mission network ESnet, and Chief Technology Architect in the Office of the CIO. As ESnet Director, Greg oversaw deployment of the world's first 100G network at continental scale, and the world's first 400G production link. Greg also serves on the board of CENIC, the high-performance public network interconnecting 20 million Californians and vital public-serving institutions. Greg has a Ph.D. from UC Berkeley, and an A.B. from Harvard.

Jean Schaffer - image


Jean Schaffer

Federal Chief Technology Officer, Corelight

Jean Schaffer is an experienced professional in Cybersecurity, Information Assurance, and IT Operations. She is recently retired from the Intelligence community after 33+ years of public service, 15 at SES level. Jean brings technical expertise, understanding of the IC/DoD and a wealth of experience.


Corelight provides security teams with network evidence so they can protect the world's most critical organizations and companies.